Thursday, January 15, 2009


NPR Radio Lab - About Emergence - the pattern that emerges from the culmination of individuals - examines leaderless communities such as ants ---check it out!

The emergence theory of bottom down rather than top down organizing explains the 'success' of Anons organizing -

I am reading Delanda right now writing on the works of Deleuze - I think the concepts of assemblages may be of use to our work on social organizing of anon
Deleuze writes "“What is an assemblage? It is a multiplicity which is made up of heterogeneous terms and which establishes liaisons, relations between them, across ages, sexes and reigns –different natures. Thus the assemblage’s only unity is that of a co-functioning: it is a symbiosis, a ‘sympathy’. It is never filiations which are important, but alliances, alloys; these are not successions, lines of descent, but contagions, epidemics, the wind.” {8}

"Interiority, as I already argued, refers not to something that is inside a given assemblage, but to relations in which the terms are mutually determined" DeLanda Assembaleges & Totalities
Within anon social interior organizing a clearly non-linear process is at work. Anon individuals are not a part of a larger organized Assembalage of Anon but rather are the actors by which Anon & Non-Anon come to be at all - through actions in which individuals take on the anon name they determine the terms by which Anon comes to have an identity at all.

Self - Organization theories help expalain situations with less human planning thus Anon and the lack of massive control of planning - not that it is entirely unplanned but operates more chaoticly may be helped by theories of self organization.
The process of rational decision making will play less into our ideas of how Anon moves and works because the uncentralized nature of the internet. In these communities we will be required to move beyond rational logical decisions and move towards other explanatory processes such as biology - science - math - art -
Meme's or cultural ideologies that are replicated (not enforced DIFFERENT THAN INHERITED ENFORCED CULTURAL NORMS) are one way to trace some of the group evolutionary process such as the way birds imitate songs through generations through this process - Which reminds me of Wesch's comment in class today about flocks of birds -
Which also reminds me of my favorite writer Helene Cixous who talks about a strategy of female writiing which fly/steal through language as a method of making do with the language and world we have been given not to take it but to move past it -

This may be a bit much but I had some ideas. So well These are Them. I am very excited about the class and thought the comments today about learning the language of making films was interesting - as we learn to make film in layers we begin to be able to read film in layers - this is why an education that focuses on doing such as Wesch is doing is so important - To create a media literate student requires the tools to be able to read and speak media - I love I love. Good Stuff.

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