Saturday, January 24, 2009

Anon Dionysus

Thoughts on Anonymity and Subjectivity as I am reading Nietzsche -

"Insofar as the subject is the artist, however, he has already been released from his individual will, and has become, as it were, the medium through which the one truly existent subject celebrates his release in appearance...The entire comedy of art is neither performed for our betterment or education nor are we the true authors of this art world. On the contrary we may assume that we are merely images and artistic projections for the true author, and that we have our highest dignity in our significance as works of art - for it is only as an aesthetic phenomenon that existence and the world are eternally justified - while of course our conciousness of our own significance hardly differs from that which soldiers painted on canvas have of the battle represented on it." p.52 Birth of Tragedy

---Anon = dionysus - They (what is they?-generally referring to mvmt v. scientology) represent destructive aspect of internet society - freed from subjectivity of "I" and face they refer back to primordal - dream like - appearances - their lulz and playfulness and "shocking" language etc. is the language necessary to express truth as excess, what NIetzsche refers to as "strange tongue..almost undecided whether it should communicate or conceal itself" Attempts at Self Criticism p.20). We could see the internet as an expression of truth in excess - and some of the critiques anon have posted are the only way to express a response to the disgusting truth being portrayed in micro-celebrity of youtube - such as this story

Dionysus sees the dirty truth - Lori Drew story - the internet didnt kill anyone the internet wont go away - and is disgusted and moved from action which requires the "veils of illusion" (p.60 birth of tragedy) - comedic art is the only response to the absurdity of existence -

Interesting Film explores Apollo v. Dionysian - Pretty sweet

"Supposing truth is a woman - what then? - Nietzsche, Beyond Good & Evil
So something else.
Michelle Ballif writes about Nietzsche and the 3rd Woman
--she writes about the process of forgetting as an ethical act that is personified as Woman - which offers the possibility of overcoming metaphysical tradition - She suggests in her book that this figure of Nietzsche THird Woman is an affirming woman - which embraces a tactic of infidelity, "infidelity may become the liberation of the mad woman from the attic, from her prison house of lack. With language's many colored coats, Woman thus becomes beyond representation, beyond consciousness, beyond bad conscience. Women, in Cixous's words, so "unthinks" the modern episteme of the selfsame thorugh the laughter the affirming "yes, I will, yes" laughter, the anticipatory resolute laughter of the Medusa, of Gorgia's Helen, Nietzsches's Affirming Woman, and Baudrillard's Femininity" (31)
"The argument is that one must forget one's self as an ego as well as forget the "Truth," which is, of course, the non-truth of are we to know how to act?...(106-108)
"It is not Hamlet's thinking per se, Schneiderman writes, that is "the culprit 9the disease of the ego); it is rather the 'I think,' the belief that the ego is the center of thinking " (150). It is when I think I am thinking that I am. And it is when I am that I cease to be other. And it is when I think I am thinking that i procrastinate - that is, I do not desire and I do not act. Ethics require action - at the right time and not when it is too late. But htis action knows no master - Desire - not the ego - is the basis of action. ..What is truly ethical, then, is situated on the cutting edges of desire, kairos, and the unconscious: that is, in the space left by the death of the ego"

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